Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's Your Environment?

You've heard the saying, "we are products of our environment." I stopped to think about this today.

How long before you lose your leadership skills if you don't work in an environment that has strong leaders, supports leadership growth, provides leadership mentoring and teaches leadership?

If where you work doesn't invest in your learning and skill set improvement, how long before you either make it your personal goal to do it anyway for yourself, or you just quit thinking about it and wonder why you aren't growing?

What happens to people who work for companies like this? On the extreme end, the company could fail and everyone loses their job and are less marketable because they lost touch with what they once were passionate about. A more middle of the road scenario could be that the company exists but is not a remarkable company and it's people become less remarkable because they too just exist or leave. At the other extreme end, the company, could become clearer on how to engage everyone, develop their skills, and the company is clearer about what it's priorities are so it becomes a remarkable company.

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