Thursday, March 24, 2011

What can we learn from Houdini?

Since Google Doodle today was Harry Houdini I took time tonight to read more about Houdini! I knew he was a famous and amazing magician because I saw some movies about him. What I didn't know was that his family came from Austria Hungry and his last name was Weisz for which they changed to Weiss (German) when they came to American. Maybe they're related to my niece Audry Weis? You never know how the family trees look way back!

Anyway, my take on his life is that he became famous by focusing on one thing that people would find amazing ....escapology. He also wrote about seven books on magic. He was passionate about exposing the frauds in his field. And he was in several films... all this before he was 52!

He's a good example of being passionate about what you do, pushing the envelope, being the best, staying focused and the outcomes of all those things.

Happy Birthday Harry Houdini. Thanks for the inspiration!

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