Monday, May 2, 2011

Busy is as Busy Does

Somehow I've gotten myself busy and having fun doing it.

Sometimes people complain about being too busy. My goal is to create a good work life balance this year. I'm doing it but I've gotten busy! You see just because I'm not working all the time didn't mean I could go home and sit on my can. I just keep being busy but have transferred it to other things!

So, the crane project is going - fold 3 cranes a day to achieve the project in 333 days! Then I still have my breast cast to finish painting - it's been hanging around the kitchen for a few weeks! Somehow sewing grabbed hold of me as my furniture cushions in the screened room needed replaced! And I enjoyed planting my flowers and little vegetable seeds (except for the poison ivy.) I'm waiting for them to pop through the dirt! Exciting! Then planting them in the garden and babying them to grow more!

I have several books I'm reading and several waiting for me to read. I've been self-learning about social media so that I can apply it to work eventually. I go to the gym several times a week!

And then there's just the daily stuff. Being busy is fun to long as there is work life balance I advise everyone to do it!

And when I find my list of all the blog topics I want to write about, which was getting quite long, then I'll try to fit in more Blogging too!

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