Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1,000 Cranes

I love oragimi. There is something fun about folding paper into shapes and I love the colorful paper used in this art form. I ran across an article about it a few weeks ago when reading about unique social media efforts being used to raise money for the Japan tsunami victims. There is a Japanese legend where anyone that folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane such as recovery from an illness. A Japanese social media site began selling electronic cranes to raise money. Very appropriate marketing for a good cause! I was wondering if I folded 1,000 cranes would anyone pay $1 each to raise money for cancer. My wish for the crane to grant is a cure for cancer. What do you think? It takes a little practice to fold a crane. I've been mulling this idea around for a few weeks now. This morning, driving to work, I looked up in the sky because I caught site of a large flock of white birds flying overhead in front of me. There they were, wings glittering away in the sky forming ever changing shapes before breaking into multiple classic v formations to carry on thier journey. I think it was a sign to do it! Want to help?

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