Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Does Less Stress and Workload Volume Increase Creativity and Production?

I have a friend who recently changed jobs.  Her new job is less demanding in terms of work volume and the stress that overload over a long period of time causes.  Every time I see her, she has a new idea for something she is starting or doing outside of her job which has also stimulated her creativity and given her some new found freedom to try some things.  She is energized!  She thinks she is  doing three times more than what she did when she had the previous job but, the difference is that she is able to focus more of her passion on personal endeavors as a balance to her work endeavors.  This is one of the best stories I've heard in a long time!  What would you do if you made changes?  If it's the right change, you might have a similar story. 

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