Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Techie Learning

I've decided to learn all I can about Social Media so I've immersed myself into it. I'm reading books, articles, trying out things, tracking things, etc. There is sooooo much out there! I'm loving learning it. Sometimes when you embark on something like this it can either feel like a drag or feel invigorating...this feels energizing and fun! No matter what age you are you need to keep learning and improving yourself. It's easier if you pick things that match who you are! It's hard to get motivated at times and get out of your comfort zone but when you do...the payoffs can be huge.

Oh and while I'm at it, I finally bought an iPhone! That's kept me busy as well! So cool!

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Is Talent?

I taught adult education advanced watercolor classes at one time. We would meet twice a week in a middle school science lab room. My students were three times plus older than Iwas. I was such a wet behind the ears teacher to them I'm sure. As it goes, I learned more from them than they from me. What was cool was that they'd sign up semester after semester and most of my core group stayed in tack unless there was a family emergency or trip or something.

We all got to know each other quite well. There was Joe who was such a good painter that he could teach the class. And his friend, Bill who painted and drew little postcard sketches each day that were just lovely studies and very precise because he was an engineer and payed attention to everything! There was Annette who had a son that now lived with her because he had brain damage from falling off a roof while working on a house. She came to class for stress relief. There was a few Moms with children in elementary and middle school that were great friends and my class was their night out from the family.

I taught them how to paint skies and trees and oceans and brooks. They taught me patience and trying. I taught them the color wheel, and as I listened to their chatting as they painted i learned that life is all the colors of the wheel and more!

There was one particular lady who tried so hard to get the watercolor technique down but she was just always tight and her watercolors didn't flow. She would get frustrated but she came back each week and each semester. One night I came in and I walked around the classroom and her watercolor was perfect. I remember saying, "Geraldine, your technique is great tonight! How did you do this?" And she replied, "I just went to be a few nights ago and got up the next day and it all just clicked in my brain and I could do it."

The students would sometimes say, I'm never going to learn to do this and I'd always encourage them to keep on trying as sometimes you have to practice. In the back of my head, I wondered though if some people just had talent and others would never have talent. What I learned from Geraldine was that if you have the passion to want something and you keep trying at it, then eventually you will get there.

Busy is as Busy Does

Somehow I've gotten myself busy and having fun doing it.

Sometimes people complain about being too busy. My goal is to create a good work life balance this year. I'm doing it but I've gotten busy! You see just because I'm not working all the time didn't mean I could go home and sit on my can. I just keep being busy but have transferred it to other things!

So, the crane project is going - fold 3 cranes a day to achieve the project in 333 days! Then I still have my breast cast to finish painting - it's been hanging around the kitchen for a few weeks! Somehow sewing grabbed hold of me as my furniture cushions in the screened room needed replaced! And I enjoyed planting my flowers and little vegetable seeds (except for the poison ivy.) I'm waiting for them to pop through the dirt! Exciting! Then planting them in the garden and babying them to grow more!

I have several books I'm reading and several waiting for me to read. I've been self-learning about social media so that I can apply it to work eventually. I go to the gym several times a week!

And then there's just the daily stuff. Being busy is fun to long as there is work life balance I advise everyone to do it!

And when I find my list of all the blog topics I want to write about, which was getting quite long, then I'll try to fit in more Blogging too!