Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1,000 Cranes

I love oragimi. There is something fun about folding paper into shapes and I love the colorful paper used in this art form. I ran across an article about it a few weeks ago when reading about unique social media efforts being used to raise money for the Japan tsunami victims. There is a Japanese legend where anyone that folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane such as recovery from an illness. A Japanese social media site began selling electronic cranes to raise money. Very appropriate marketing for a good cause! I was wondering if I folded 1,000 cranes would anyone pay $1 each to raise money for cancer. My wish for the crane to grant is a cure for cancer. What do you think? It takes a little practice to fold a crane. I've been mulling this idea around for a few weeks now. This morning, driving to work, I looked up in the sky because I caught site of a large flock of white birds flying overhead in front of me. There they were, wings glittering away in the sky forming ever changing shapes before breaking into multiple classic v formations to carry on thier journey. I think it was a sign to do it! Want to help?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Walking With Survivors

Last night I walked with a courageous group of people...cancer survivors. I was happy to see so many purple shirts but, I it also made me realize how many people battle this awful disease.

As we got ready to walk, I was in the front line holding the banner beside, ten year cancer survivor, and co-worker, Joan Billheimer. I took a few minutes to turn around and look behind me at the old, young and children survivors. It's that moment that tugged at my heart because we were all still there, happy to be alive, celebrating, and creating awareness for this cause.

My other moment was seeing 75 year old Joan, carrying the torch and doing the rememberance lap at the beginning of the luminary ceremony. She has such strength and passion for this cause. She BELIEVES, in supporting her cause and it's such a passion of hers that eminates from her core. Most of you that followed my own experience may remember how supportive Joan was when I was sick. She is truly an amazing woman. Joan knows everyone and how to navigate around a room or an event like the most famous person there ever was.

We were all cold, and didn't she know about a tent, with walls and even a heater in it. So we all followed her over to this secret place and warmed up! We joked with her that she could make more money for cancer by letting people pay $5 to take turns coming into that tent to warm up a little!

I talked to a young black women beside me on the survivor walk. That's something I've found people do more of if they are survivors. They take time to talk and learn about each other. That is a side-effect of the focus you get as to what is important now in life when you have cancer or after surviving it. She was from Jacksonville, FL but was in Florence visiting family here. She had breast cancer and was on her second round of chemo and radiation. I told her I was a 6 month cancer survivor and she quickly said but why do you still have your hair? I explained my cancer was contained and hadn't spread so I hadn't needed chemotherapy. She was surprised only because we mostly know only our own experiences with cancer. She didn't know some breast cancer didn't require it. We all learn from each other. I wished her well but today am wishing I would've given her a hug as she has a hard road.

My husband, Matt and daughter Michelle and her boyfriend Beckham were all there to support the cause with me as they were my fabulous caregiver team! Michelle and I made luminaries for our loved ones to remember them by or to honor them as they continue their battle. My co-worker Reuben was there to support the cause because he saw his mom go through cancer twice and he was there to support me and our boss who is recovering from her cancer.

The night was cold but it was the warmest place to be! Celebrate! Remember! Fightback!